Victory Day is the most important holiday in Russia. This Day is dedicated to Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 in which the Soviet people fought for the freedom and independence of their Motherland against fascist Germany and its allies.
On Victory Day there are military parades, solemn events and concerts. Military equipment rolls through the city squares. People wear St. George ribbons on their clothes or tie it to car antennas as a sign of respect and remembrance. Veterans wear their medals and anyone can go and congratulate them, give them flowers, or just say thank you.
People lay flowers on memorials of military glory and mass graves to honor those who had sacrificed with their lives.
Victory Day has very moving event called the “Immortal Regiment”. The descendants of the soldiers who took part in World War II, carrying large photographs of them along the main street. In this way, even those soldiers who did not live to see Victory can walk down the street in this celebratory march. The procession is imbued with respect and gratitude towards the victorious ancestors.
9 May ends with a celebratory salute in all cities of Russia.
Victory Day is a national holiday in Russia. Public offices, schools and most businesses are closed.