The festival takes place at Khabarovskiy region (The date changes every year).
“Tambouring of friendship” festival is the unique culture festival of small indigenous peoples of the North.
Annually during 17 years in the municipal districts of the region there is a festival-relay race of folklore and ceremonial holidays "Tambourine of Friendship".
Eight indigenous small peoples live on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory: Nanais, Negidals, Nivkhs, Orochi, Udege, Ulchi, Evenki, Evens.
In terms of the number of indigenous peoples, the Khabarovsk Territory ranks sixth in Russia. The most numerous are Nanais.
Indigenous peoples live in remote villages and districts of the Khabarovsk Territory. Not in all settlements of the Khabarovsk Territory young people leave for large cities. Some, getting education in Khabarovsk, return to their native places.
The culture of the indigenous minorities of the North is connected with the notions of the animal world. People believed that a person comes from a beast or a bird and those animals understand everything, can be reborn after death and even avenge the killing of a relative. That is why on many holidays, rites were always held to remove guilt for killing the beast. Tigger as the owner of the taiga, places are also given in legends.
The program of “Tambouring of friendship” festival is various and interesting.
For several days contestants show their successes in songs, dances, and rituals, associated with the traditional way of life - hunting, fishing, and gathering.
Traditional costumes are made in manual and combine embroidery, applications from fish skin using metal elements. The most interesting gowns are made from fish skin. By tradition, they were worn in the spring, summer, and early fall. By the way, wedding clothes are also curious. At Nanai girl begins to sew a wedding gown from childhood. In general, any clothing of small nations is a talisman, the main property of which is to protect a person from evil spirits.